Sunday, November 6, 2016

Demi Beads by Toho

Another new bead?  It's a fine line between excitement there is something new to play with, and frustration, especially for store owners and bead sellers, to keep up with new product, color and size.

When I first heard about the demi, I was very intrigued.  To me demi means, half, partial; which is exactly what the demi bead is...half of a whole size bead.  So, take that huge size 8/0 bead and slice it in half, you have a 8/0 demi.  

Then my mind went to the word demigod...  "a mythological being who is partly divine and partly human; an inferior deity."
Image result for demi beads images

The word partly and inferior slapped me in the face...the one thing the demi bead is NOT is inferior.  This bead is the best little bead to hit the industry.  Not the coolest, the most useful, in my opinion.  Let me tell you why I feel this way.  

There are so many times in creating a design you have this "gap" where some thread shows, but - and I know it's hard to believe - a teeny, tiny 15/0 is too big!  Welcome demi!  This little beauty fits in those spots perfect.  It also creates some nice texture when used together to create one.  For instance, you want to use an 11/0; use two 11/0 demi beads and you have some texture.  It makes a wonderful spacer bead that adds a hint of color, it mixes well with all the beads I have used it with lately including super duos, mini duos, crescents, triangles, seed beads, czech glass....on and on. 

Image result for demi beads images
I even thought you could use it like jump rings, not for the same purpose as it's a closed circle, but in creating circles in work, like say in metal work....
Metal artists...let me know.  I think it would be fun!  

Submit photos of how creative you got with the demi!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I Have no Idea What to Write About

Image result for when you have  nothing to blog about

I recently hired my teenage college daughter to give me ideas to blog about.  We went to Starbucks, had coffee, I took notes.  She had amazing ideas (she is young and hip), so here I am....I don't have a clue what to write about.

I am looking over my notes that when I was with her  at our "marketing meeting", seemed so they seem flat.  It must have been her enthusiasm.

I guess I am "of that age" where some things just don't seem interesting to me.  What is hard for me to understand is they ARE interesting to other people.

We spent some time talking about social media.  Instagram for one.  She had such cute ideas.  I did implement a few of them and as I was posting, I thought, this is silly....well 9 new followers and several likes, I have to admit she is right.  I am getting better at Instagram...that is quick. Twelve or less words and you are good to go...but writing a blog, that seems like you should actually have something to say. of her ideas was to blog about how bad I am at blogging!  So, this is it!

I'm working on it; many times I do feel like I have something to say.  I have opinions, most of which I keep to myself on social media, I have some knowledge of the bead world, I just got accepted into an amazing team of designers, I teach classes, I am very knowledgeable of new product in the beading world, I have new designs, I own a company, I ride mountain bikes and hike.  I have nothing to write about......
Image result for sayings about nothing to write about

Monday, August 1, 2016

It's Olympic Metal Time

The opening ceremony for the Olympics is Friday, August 5.  In reflecting on the Olympics and all I love about them, I started thinking about the athletes and their hard work for a medal, then something clicked...medal...Metal!  So, I came up with some earrings to celebrate the Olympics.  Using Gold, Silver and Bronze these earrings are perfect for any occasion, but a great reminder of the athletes that give up so much to go home with a medal.
It will be refreshing to spend some time watching the Olympics.  Maybe I will even be inspired to create something even better.  

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Bundling a Jewelry Order

I recently had to call two internet providers to obtain service for the summer.  I only wanted internet (no phone, no television, no whatever)  After over an hour on the phone, a blood pressure of 195/60 and some rather saucy words I got a brilliant idea!!...I should sell my jewelry like companies such as Century Link, Comcast and Charter.  

This is how it will go:
C:  (customer) I just saw a bracelet on your website I would be interested in purchasing.
E:  (esther beadwork)  Thank you, I will be happy to help you with that.  Which bracelet?
C:  The cuff for $125, red and gold.
E:  Oh that one is beautiful.  I am offering it at a special rate today if you purchase before midnight.
C:  Sounds great.  Tell me the rate.
E:  Well, the cuff is normally $125; however if you bundle it with a minimum of a pair of earrings costing $45, I can sell you the cuff for $95.
C:  Well, I really don't want the earrings, I would never wear them.
E:   You wouldn't?  What about an evening out?  Then the price of the cuff will be $125.
C:  That doesn't make sense, however it is a better  price and I can give the earrings away.
E:  Perfect.  Now, for the month of June the more you bundle the better the deal.  I can give you the cuff, originally costing $125, the earrings at $45 and a necklace valued at $85, all for 155.00.  How does that sound; that is a $100 savings for the bundle.
C:  I really just wanted the cuff.
E:  Ok, I can ship that to you.  So, it will be $125 plus $18.95 shipping.
C:  Seriously?  What about flat rate?
E:  I could do that with a bundle, but not just the cuff. And, tell me, why wouldn't you want a complete set?  It is a much better deal and I am sure you will use it?

And so went my conversation with the internet company...What did I end up with you ask?  A cuff and a pair of earrings!    

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Pinterest and the Frail Psyche

Image result for pinterest logo

Recognize this?  Of course you do.  
Most of us have spent a fair amount of time on Pinterest.  When I first heard about it, I thought, that is a really cool idea.  You can learn so much, see so much, get great ideas. Are there really that many creative, innovative people?  Or is it one person posting under 300 different names!!

One day I decided to look at some beaded jewelry, see what was out there...get inspiration.....well, let me tell you, this was my psyche on Pinterest: 

Image result for deflated balloon imagesSo to recover, I looked at some decorating ideas for my studio.

There are some wicked cool jewelry designs on Pinterest.  I wondered when these people have time to whip that stuff out!  It is beautiful, creative, unique...everything great jewelry should be....I think I am going to stay off Pinterest for a while (at least not look at jewelry) psyche cannot handle it.  

Image result for artistic quotes

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

How to Manage Creative Time

I have a stack of deadlines sitting on my desk today.  I sit down to work this morning (it is Monday after all), and I look out my office window and this is what I see:

 Can you believe it? Look at that sky.  Spring is in the air, the sun is out.

Bead, I have to bead.  I have deadlines.  I can go to the gym later.

Look at that beautiful sky....

Maybe I will be more creative if I go for a bike ride.  Maybe I will feel better.  Maybe I'll go to the gym that doesn't take as long.  

So, being a conscientious person, I go for a bike ride.  Life is short, the sun is shining, my friend is texting me to ride.  Does a mini addiction to bike riding mix with a business in the beading world?

How do you juggle your other hobbies, sports, family and still remain creative and productive?

I have found the best way for me is to actually schedule beading, designing, kit making, etc. time and put it on my calendar.  Then I have to actually look at my calendar....Let's see how this plays out.  Monday, I needed to do my "real" job, which I actually did after my ride, but the time I scheduled for beading...well, that didn't happen.  

Okay, on to Tuesday.  I had scheduled to make some earrings for a show I have to have product for.  That dang sun was shining in my window again...AND a group I ride with were going to the mountain...this will clear my head and I will work late.   I mean look at that view!  The snow is so pretty..Is that not amazing or what.  And I      am getting in shape!

Wednesday, I am a tad behind.  My calendar says I have earrings, a kit design and some work at my "real" job.  And along comes Mr. Sun again, but this time he brings some amazingly warm temperatures.  So, on my road bike to Sisters to ride...

Have I taught you anything about mixing pleasure with work?  YES,  sometimes the best laid plans just don't work...for that moment.  It has been a beautiful week here in Bend, Oregon and I cannot bear to miss it.  Actually putting creative time on my calendar does work, and I will get everything done.  Life is short and time with friends and being outside will never be a mistake.  Have a great day and get outside!  The creativity will wait for you.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Let Me Speak For Myself

We beaders are obsessed with beads and when a new bead comes out, we all rush to buy it and play with it.  There are some fun new beads and I have spent countless hours working with them, but...the other day I grabbed a tube of mini bugles that had the most beautiful color in them.  I just started with a basic peyote stitch using these bugles and 15/0.  I wanted to add a beaded cabochon or a unique button all beaded around and then I just stared at the band I had was beautiful JUST because of the beads.  It needed nothing else.  Sometimes you just have to let the beads speak for themselves.

This is Turquoise Apollo Hybrid Matte Opaque bugle by can totally stand on it's own

This uses three colors combined of Toho 11/0 Triangles

And again, those cute little bugles...toss in a few 2mm beads and some stunning 15/0

It's so easy to get caught up in the new trends, especially if you are on a beader crazy, but sometimes step back, look at the beads, see what they have to say and listen to them!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Star Struck in Tucson

Tucson Gem & Mineral Show 2016

I am not easily star struck.  I admit when I was a young teenager, I did have a poster (and probably a crush) on Davey Jones of the Monkeys, but those days are now a blur.  I would be honored to meet certain people just because of who they are, but I can honestly say I have very little desire to meet many famous people.  But...while at the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show this year I met Three people who are famous not only in my eyes, but in eyes of the bead world.

So, I am shopping along minding my own business and I see non other than Diane Fitzgerald.  I think, no....just looks like her...but yes, it was her...I HAD to say something, I was star struck.  I would have asked for her autograph if I had her book with me.  We chatted for about 2 minutes, and like a true star struck groupie, I immediately sent a text to my friend saying I met Diane Fitzgerald....brag, brag, brag.   She was so nice, Diane that is, my friend was properly jealous.  My favorite book of Diane's is Shaped Beadwork.  I learned so much from this book. I HIGHLY recommend this book, the techniques can be used everywhere in beading.
Product Details
One book that I drooled on several of the pages before I made the patterns was by Lisa Kan.  A true artist, and a great lady to talk to.  We talked for about 30 minutes and she had the most amazing buttons for sale...had to buy them! My daughter was with me when I met Lisa.  We walked away from her and I squealed like a Justin Beeber fan (well, not that bad).  My daughter thinks I am crazy.  Bead Romantique is a beautiful need this one also.  

Leslie Rogalski, was my third.  We talked about looms.  She is all over Beading Daily and Bead and Button.  I have her download of DoodleBeads.  Talk about creative, fun to chat with and just a neat lady.  One can learn so much from her.  

I want to be like these ladies, so full of talent, yet so normal and friendly.  (well, I think I am pretty friendly, not so sure about the normal part)...

Check out these books; they are truly worth the investment.  Diane Fitzerald has several books and Lisa Kan just released a new one.

Oh, and yes, I did buy some fun beads from other artists that may not be so famous, but are truly great and talented people.  

There is one more person I ran into that made me squeal, and that is because our paths crossed 17 years ago and I ran into him picking out gem stones. Shano Kelly.  He makes the coolest jewelry, and is such a neat artist with a spirit like no other.   Check him out at   
I had a wonderful time in Tucson at the show and it was because of the people I met...from the well-known bead designers, not so well known artists, vendors and even customers.  People just make for a good time!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Does Persistence Pay?

I had a wonderful time teaching a beading class last night....the Bo-Ho Earrings.  My students did least in the beginning.  If you are a beader you will be able to relate to the holding of a miniscule item with your timber size fingers and trying to get a needle into a bead the size of a period.  It was a rough start for sure.  My favorite comment was one gal held up her ring with 2 beads stitched on and declared, I really like it just like this!  The mood was lightened.

The concentration was there...even the wine was not being touched.  I was questioning both my ability to teach and the project I had selected....

Every class has a comedian in it (at least we hope they do)...and last night's funny was when a student held up here first earring about 1/4 completed and declared she was going to use it as an ornament and tell everyone her daughter made it....when she was five!!!  Thank goodness for humor.

Well, Persistence does pay and EVERYONE finished  a PAIR of earrings last night (and a bottle of wine)!

Notice there are smiles on the faces!
Earring completed!!!
Nice job ladies.  I hope you enjoyed the class as much as I did and you stuck with it.  The second earring was completed in record time!  SUCCESS!!!  Beading is a process and sometimes our fingers need to be trained!

Monday, January 11, 2016

My New Mood Board

I want to take full credit for my new Mood Board, but it was actually my daughter's idea.  This is why you send them to college!!!

Each month I will have a new color or two to play with.  January colors are Serenity and Rose Quartz.  Not two colors I would normally select.  But, this is the exercise...let's get out of our "safe color boxes" and play with something fun.  

Those who know me are probably going, eesh,right now...I am a green (notice the backdrop) copper, bronzy type of gal.  Even I am getting bored with my favorite colors.

I selected some photos that incorporate
these two colors.  Rather nice, right.  Then I picked
out a few beads that represent the January colors and created a piece of jewelry.  Those colors are Toho #126 - a very soft yet rich pink; Toho #46F - a beautiful matte blue and Delica #1507 - softer blue with some nice sparkle to it.  

The necklace is made using these beads with an opaque white AB for accent.  The focal is a mother of pearl button with a Czech button in the center.  And,
don't you just love those nice chunky beads......

What can you come up with?  Post any ideas/photos of your creations.  There are other beads that will represent the pantone colors, so get into the beads and PLAY!

One last photo...I LOVE beading, but I do have another passion.....