Tucson Gem & Mineral Show 2016
I am not easily star struck. I admit when I was a young teenager, I did have a poster (and probably a crush) on Davey Jones of the Monkeys, but those days are now a blur. I would be honored to meet certain people just because of who they are, but I can honestly say I have very little desire to meet many famous people. But...while at the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show this year I met Three people who are famous not only in my eyes, but in eyes of the bead world.
So, I am shopping along minding my own business and I see non other than Diane Fitzgerald. I think, no....just looks like her...but yes, it was her...I HAD to say something, I was star struck. I would have asked for her autograph if I had her book with me. We chatted for about 2 minutes, and like a true star struck groupie, I immediately sent a text to my friend saying I met Diane Fitzgerald....brag, brag, brag. She was so nice, Diane that is, my friend was properly jealous. My favorite book of Diane's is Shaped Beadwork. I learned so much from this book. I HIGHLY recommend this book, the techniques can be used everywhere in beading.

One book that I drooled on several of the pages before I made the patterns was by Lisa Kan. A true artist, and a great lady to talk to. We talked for about 30 minutes and she had the most amazing buttons for sale...had to buy them! My daughter was with me when I met Lisa. We walked away from her and I squealed like a Justin Beeber fan (well, not that bad). My daughter thinks I am crazy. Bead Romantique is a beautiful book...you need this one also.
Leslie Rogalski, was my third. We talked about looms. She is all over Beading Daily and Bead and Button. I have her download of DoodleBeads. Talk about creative, fun to chat with and just a neat lady. One can learn so much from her.
I want to be like these ladies, so full of talent, yet so normal and friendly. (well, I think I am pretty friendly, not so sure about the normal part)...
Check out these books; they are truly worth the investment. Diane Fitzerald has several books and Lisa Kan just released a new one.
Oh, and yes, I did buy some fun beads from other artists that may not be so famous, but are truly great and talented people.
There is one more person I ran into that made me squeal, and that is because our paths crossed 17 years ago and I ran into him picking out gem stones. Shano Kelly. He makes the coolest jewelry, and is such a neat artist with a spirit like no other. Check him out at shanojewelry.com
I had a wonderful time in Tucson at the show and it was because of the people I met...from the well-known bead designers, not so well known artists, vendors and even customers. People just make for a good time!