Sunday, July 24, 2011

Month Long Class being offered

Esther Beadwork will be offering a month long class beginning THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 7:00 pm.   We will be making a necklace using Kumihimo for the necklace portion incorporating a variety of strings, yarns and beads.  You will learn how to make your own toggles and end caps as well as Russian leaves.  We will finish the class by learning how to put everything together.  Students should be relatively comfortable with Peyote stitch.

Cost is $90 for the month.  Each evening class will run from 1-3 hours depending on individual ability.  Be prepared to have homework also.

This will be a wonderful opportunity to learn 3-4 techniques/components, meet other beaders, discuss ideas, complete a beautiful necklace and just have fun.

RSVP by posting on this blog or emailing or the old fashion 561-271-4360 to register.  Space is very limited to give students the best instruction possible.


  1. WOW, this necklace is gorgeous. What about supplies? How is that handled? Thank you.

  2. Count me in, Kim. I'm so looking forward to this class! Anonymous, good question about the supplies. Thanks for bringing that up.

    Beadie, Beadie

  3. I was going to post all that, but seemed too much. I will put some kits together, and unfortunately, right now do not have the pricing for that. As always with my classes a supply list will be provided in ample time for those wanting to purchase their own products. Since this is being taught in 4 different sections, we can handle the first session of the actual Kumi two ways: 1. you can bring any supplies you wish to work with or
    2. you can practice the technique in class with supplies that we work together on and then decide your color scheme based on what you learn and then start the project at home after learning the technique. I will have kumi discs available to purchase with the discs for $10.50.
    If you are a person that can select your colors and product based on the photograph, you can gather the product and bring it all the first day of class. I should have the product list out in about a week or two. Thanks for your interest.
